Dr. Sandra Solano, M.D. will invite the sounds of the Himalayan Singing Bowls to immerse you in a unique experience of vibration and sound. Enjoy the sounds of a full therapeutic set bringing you to a quick state of deep relaxation. The purpose of this session is not to treat a specific illness or medical problem but rather to improve the energy flow throughout the body/mind/spirit pathways. Individuals will experience a deep relaxation response which can improve physical/emotional/spiritual health issues. The Himalayan Singing Bowls are crafted from 7 metals that make a musical 'singing' sound when played with a mallet. In addition to a primary tone, singing bowls produce a complex series of subtle overtones that create a uniquely soothing sound. The art of creating Tibetan singing bowls has been handed down from generation to generation within family clans. Sandra's bowls are made by a family clan whose work can be traced back to the time of the Buddha. Sandra trained several years in the Shuniya tradition which honors the ancient foundation of sound healing created by Master Tibetan and Nepalese practitioners. Bring a yoga mat and anything to support your comfort.
The room is warm and inviting, well suited for vibrational energy work. Important Notes: For this program, each individual needs to wear relaxing clothing. Participants will need to bring their own yoga mats, blankets, and other props. Participants will need to be physically able to get down on the floor (and upright afterward). You need to arrive 10 minutes early so the session can begin on time. Participants will be asked to wait in their cars until the doors are opened. Please refrain from wearing any perfumes or colognes as some participants are sensitive to those scents.
Date and Time
Sunday Feb 18, 2024
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM EST
Sunday, February 18, 2024 at 2:30 PM
Westerville Wellness
654 Brooksedge Blvd. Suite B
Westerville, OH 43081
Contact Information
Kim Bouldin
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