The 50th annual Westerville Area Chamber Music & Arts Festival is July 13-14, 2024 at Heritage Park & Everal Barn. Please fill out the information below. There is a $5 fee per piece of artwork (maximum of 5 pieces per child).
Each piece submitted will be judged on Saturday morning (all artwork must be appropriate to be viewed by all ages).
- First, Second, Third, and Honorable Mention ribbons will be awarded for each art category for each age group.
- A Best of Show ribbon will be award for each age group.
- People's Choice ballots will be solicited for all five age groups throughout the day on Saturday. Results will be tabulated and winners will be notified on Saturday evening.
- The five People's Choice winners (one from each age group) and the five BEST of Show winners (one from each age group) will be recognized at an awards ceremony on Sunday afternoon (2 p.m.).
**Each artist is responsible for mounting their artwork for the event PRIOR to drop off.**
- Mounting instructions can be found here.
- Please no glass frames or heavy frames.
- All work must be labeled on the BACK with the artist’s name, age, and medium used.
All artwork must be dropped of on Friday July 12 between 5-7 p.m. at Everal Barn.
All artwork must be picked up on Sunday July 14 between 3-4 p.m. at Everal Barn.

Youth Art Exhibit: Westerville Area C...
Date and Time
Saturday Jul 13, 2024 Sunday Jul 14, 2024
Registration Deadline is July 1, 2024
Heritage Park
60 N Cleveland Ave.
Westerville, OH 43082
$5 per piece of artwork